The Power of Uplifting Each Other: Making Better Decisions Together

The Power of Uplifting Each Other: Making Better Decisions Together

When I was scrolling through social media recently, I came across many comments. They were saying that they can’t practice slow fashion because it’s too much money. What broke my heart was how my fellow slow fashion advocates responded. They weren’t supportive. They weren’t compassionate. Their replies were almost aggressive. Yes, they were telling the […]

Guide to Secondhand Shopping: Tips and Tricks for Smart Buyers

Guide to Secondhand Shopping: Tips and Tricks for Smart Buyers

Secondhand shopping is great, but it can also be tricky. Here are some tips for shopping secondhand fashion to help you find the best deals. Before Shopping, Know What You’re Looking For Have a clear idea of the item you want to buy secondhand. Whether it’s clothing, furniture, electronics, or appliances, knowing what you need […]

The Why and How of Reselling Clothes for Sustainable Fashion

The Why and How of Reselling Clothes for Sustainable Fashion

Reselling is a practice that not only declutters your space but also contributes to a sustainable fashion ecosystem. Every year, billions of clothing items are discarded, adding to the growing piles of waste in landfills. By choosing to resell, you’re not only giving your clothes a second life but also preventing them from becoming trash. […]